It is said that chrysanthemum was crossbred between two wild flowers of this kind in China
1,500 years ago and as a result no wild chrysanthemum exists.
Generally chrysanthemums bloom in fall and are a representative of fall flowers in Japan,
meanwhile a cherry blossom a representative of spring ones.
Now we have about 350 kinds of chrysanthemums. Planting chrysanthemums to appreciate
their beauty started in the Imperial court in Heisan period from 9th to 12th century.
Later, GOTOBA Joko, retired emperor designated the design of chrysanthemum with 16 petals
as Imperial crest 13th century. It got the most popular among the commoners to
appreciate their beauty and many new chrysanthemums ware crossbred in 17 century.
Nowadays many enthusiasts plant chrysanthemums and enjoy viewing their beauty and
elegant forms. Many chrysanthemum festivals and exhibitions are held in October and
November in many places and a lot of people enjoy viewing their beauty and elegant forms.
Following photos were taken in November at Meiji shrine, Tokyo.


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