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Blue hot spring
Red hot spring

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1, BEPPU city with cherry blossoms in full bloom
City center and mountains at back
City center around JR station
Hot springs form a kind of head of bonze i.e. buddhist preist.
BEPPU city is located in the northeastern region of KYUSHU island, OITA Prefecture.
The city boasts more than 2,300 hot springs and geysers with a population of
122 thousand inhabitants and faces Inland sea, SETONAI-KAI
It attracts 8 million tourists each year.
4, Blood pond hell
A big hot spring looks like blood pond.

Cherry trees are in full bloom inside the city.
Cherry trees in the sea hell spring
2, Sea hell hot spring
Sea hell is one of very famous hot springs and they are blue and red.
3, Bozu (Bonze) hell hot spring